Monday, October 19, 2009

Lexi spa day

Today we had a spa day for Lexi, we curled her hair trying different looks so that she could see how beautiful she is. She took a few portfolio shots with her hair all up and curled. I also have a little movie of her reading to Raevyndaun.

I forgot her medicine so Kenn had to run out and get it over there. I was hoping to meet half way, these little fast paced runs from one place or another are hard on me. My memory is shoddy at best.

I am working on a Britney Spears page on Mahalo about how she is preparing for the release of her new collection album. The song 3 is a bit much but it sounds good. I love finding pages that I can work on and enjoy.

oh great I learned a new trick. I am learning to upload videos to you tube! Now all these little movies have a home! This is my test to see if the uploading and linking works.

thanks for sharing my experiments :) This way I can add some of the wedding video's after the ceremony.

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